by NAPAD | Jan 7, 2021 | Animal health, clean energy, Climate change, Food Security, Livelihoods, Livestock, solarenergy, Somalia, WASH
Dalsan, a village roughly 20km from Abudwak town, hosts 400 households who rely on a diesel-powered generator. The high cost of running the generator and regularly breakdown forced the Dalsan community to turn to unsafe water sources such as water ponds. “Getting...
by NAPAD | Aug 24, 2020 | Bee Farming, Climate change, Food Security, Livelihoods
In the remote, dusty village of Aresa in Mandera County-Kenya, villagers depend on small-scale agriculture to earn a living. Climate change has resulted in unpredictable weather changes, and now families struggle to meet their basic needs. The area is highly...
by NAPAD | Aug 24, 2020 | Climate change, COVID19, Emergency, Food Security
In recent years, climate-related shocks, mainly drought and flooding, have increased in frequency and intensity, intensifying humanitarian needs and undermining resilience at the household and community levels. Jamac Xaashi Abdille, a 45-year-old father of seven...
by NAPAD | Jul 22, 2020 | Animal health, Climate change, Emergency, Food Security, Livelihoods, Livestock, WASH
Sahara Adan having her goat treated in Deka village Gedo Deka Village, Elwak district in Gedo Somalia has been the home of 38-year-old Sahara Adan Dhicis for the past 8 years. A widow and the sole breadwinner for her 8 children, Sahara relies on her small herd as the...