What We Do

Effective and Sustainable Community Transformation.

To promote sustainable peace and human development amongst vulnerable communities in the Horn of Africa, we focus on interventions and sectors that generate high impact results for our targeted communities.

These focus areas address the felt needs of communities and they are as follows:

    1. Economic Empowerment,

    2. Education in Emergencies,

    3. Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH),

    4. Disaster Management & Emergency Responce,

    5. Climate Change Adaptation and

    6. Peace & Advocacy.

How we do it


Dedicated to improving water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions.

Economic Empowerment

Breaking the cycle of poverty among vulnerable and marginalized communities.

Peace Building

Focusing on supporting community-led peacebuilding and reconciliation.

Disaster Management

Providing lifesaving emergency response to communities affected by humanitarian crises.

Education in Emergencies

Ensuring education continue during emergencies, conflict and other crises.