In September 2022, Qureysho Mohamed Dhore together with her family was forced to move from their home in Hawadley, Middle Shabelle region, Somalia, due to the combined effects of drought and conflict in search of food, water, and shelter. Qureysho and her family which...
Entrepreneurship is vital to Somalia's economy, driving its growth and development. However, women in Somalia face multi-layered barriers to accessing the labor market, and they bear the brunt of the challenges arising from poverty, conflict, and a clan-based culture...
Safiya’s Renewed Journey into the Art of Weaving
Safiya Abdi Mohamed at her shop, together with Nawal (NAPAD project Officer) The history of weaving in Somalia dates back thousands of years and holds deep cultural significance for the Somali people. The art has been an integral part of their traditional practices...
Lifesaving Water Access in Qurdubey Village, Somalia
Qurdubey Village in the Gedo region of Somalia is situated alongside the Jubba River and serves as a haven for a large population of internally displaced persons (IDPs). These families were compelled to leave their homes due to the devastating 2021-2023 drought, ongoing clan conflicts, and widespread insecurity. The conditions in the displacement camps are dire, with inadequate sanitation and hygiene leading to a widespread prevalence of acute watery diseases, particularly among children. The...