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In recent years, climate-related shocks, mainly drought and flooding, have increased in frequency and intensity, intensifying humanitarian needs and undermining resilience at the household and community levels. Jamac Xaashi Abdille, a 45-year-old father of seven...

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Supporting Families in Mandera County, Scale-Up Early Detection, Referral, and Treatment of Malnutrition Cases

Supporting Families in Mandera County, Scale-Up Early Detection, Referral, and Treatment of Malnutrition Cases

Every child has the right to good nutrition. Well-nourished children have the opportunity to grow and develop to their full potential, equipping them to lead healthy, and fulfilling lives. However, the burden of malnutrition poses a serious threat to children's survival, especially in the face of humanitarian crises. These children begin life at a significant disadvantage, and the consequences extend into adulthood, affecting their education, earning potential, and community participation. In...

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