The drought in Somalia has worsened to the point where the country is on the verge of famine. According to the UN OCHA drought Press release of April 2022, approximately 6.1 million people have been affected by the drought, with approximately 759,000 people being...
Accessing Sanitation Facilities in Tafta Tag
Anab Bulle, a 35-year-old housewife and her family of six live in Tafta-Tag IDP camp, Garbaharey District, Somalia. They have to queue for 20 to 30 minutes just to use the community latrine. The camp population has relied on a few old and dilapidated block latrines...
Powering Access to Water in Huulkujir
Huulkujir Solar Powered water Pumping System Foos Yussuf Jama proudly leads community leaders and a NAPAD team in a walk around the concrete perimeter fence that secures the village borehole and the solar-powered water pumping system. Her beautiful smile betrays the...
Improving Access to WASH Services by adopting Improved Hygiene Practices and Infrastructure in Mandera County
The historic 2021-2023 Horn of Africa drought affected more than 5 million people in Kenya. With five consecutive failed rainy seasons, more than 400,000 people in the ASAL regions were forced to move from their homes in search of lifesaving assistance (IOM). During this period, the region also faced a cholera outbreak that compounded the humanitarian crisis. The outbreak was exacerbated by the scarcity of clean water, insufficient health structures, and inadequate sanitation infrastructure,...