Ismail Hussein (right) together with his classmates Ibrahim Hussein, a 15-year-old student in Al-Hidaya camp in Garasbaley district, Banadir region, Somalia, attends Nadifo Primary School as a sixth-grade student. He and his family were forced to move from Daare...
Improving Access to WASH Services by adopting Improved Hygiene Practices and Infrastructure in Mandera County
The historic 2021-2023 Horn of Africa drought affected more than 5 million people in Kenya. With five consecutive failed rainy seasons, more than 400,000 people in the ASAL regions were forced to move from their homes in search of lifesaving assistance (IOM). During...
El-Nino Emergency Response in Dolow and Belethawa Districts, Somalia
Good hygiene and sanitation practices can save lives In the Gedo region of Somalia, the River Dawa is a double-edged sword for the communities it supports. While it sustains agricultural livelihoods during the dry seasons, it can quickly become a source of...
Community-Led Hygiene and Sanitation Action in Khalicha Village
Mama Halima outside her home Khalicha Village in Mandera North, Mandera County, has always been a place of resilience. Locally referred to as the "clean village," Khalicha earned this reputation when its residents made the bold step to ban the sale and use of khat, a stimulant widely consumed in the region. This collective action set Khalicha apart, prioritizing positive social change. However, even Khalicha's progressive outlook hasn’t shielded it from the harsh realities of protracted...